納入Flexi-SealTM FMS作為病患照護的方法,您可以降低因接觸大便排洩物而造成的昂貴併發症。事實上,併發症的花費難以回收,例如壓力性損傷導致院內感染,比消費品的花費高上許多。
FLEXI-SEALTM FMS – 最廣為使用的大便管理系統3
- 此設計可降低降低皮膚破潰和感染傳播的風險。
- 大便失禁的優良管理可增加病患的舒適和尊嚴。
- 此設計可管理難聞的氣味。
- 此設計可降低降低皮膚破潰和壓瘡的發生。
- 此設計可有效封閉大便排洩物,當中可能包含 difficile 和其他可潛在致病細菌。
- 容易安裝和移除(參閱套件使用說明)
給 ICU 管理者
- 此設計可降低降低皮膚破潰和感染傳播的風險,這些狀況都會導致治療花費增加和住院時間的延長。1,2,6
- 有效管理大便失禁,有助於降低死亡率和發病率。*4
- Flexi-Seal™ FMS可節省人力和資源.7
- O’Brien JA, Lahue BJ, Caro JJ, Davidson DM. The emerging infectious challenge of Clostridium difficile-associated disease in Massachusetts hospitals: clinical and economic consequences. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2007:28(11):1219-1227.
- Zhan C, Miller MR. Excess length of stay, charges and mortality attributable to medical injuries during hospitalization. JAMA. 2003;290(14):1868-1874.
- HPIS. Q2 2011 data. Moving Annual Total (MAT) Fecal Control Category. Data on file, ConvaTec.
- HCAI Technology Innovation Programme Showcase Hospitals report number 5. The Flexi-Seal® Fecal Management System. http://hcai.dh.gov.uk/files/2011/03/Evaluation_Report_Flexi_seal_faecal_management_system_HCAI_technologies_Dec09.pdf. Date accessed November 2011.
- Keller BP, Wille J, van Ramshorst B, van der Werken C. Pressure ulcers in intensive care patients: a review of risks and prevention. Intensive Care Med. 2002;28(10):1379-1388.
- Kyne L, Hamel MB, Polavaram R, Kelly CP. Health care costs and mortality associated with nosocomial diarrhea due to Clostridium difficile. CID, 2002;34:346-53.
- Popovich-Durnal A, Kommala D, Chen, Y. Budget Impact of Adopting a Fecal Management System in a Hospital Intensive Care Unit: A Single Center Experience. Poster presented at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care Fall, Washington DC, September 2009.